
2009-2010 Class Photos

Here is my classroom from 2009-2010!!

Now don't judge me... I was hired 2 weeks into the school year and had... 1 day (gasp!) to set up before I met my first ever class. Nothing like being thrown in head first! It worked out in the end, but I always felt like my room wasn't how I wanted. Nothing was organized (which drove me crazy)! It was a boring year... I was still collecting lots of supplies and other than having some polka dots, there wasn't a theme.

back of the room, group meeting area

(blushes) don't mind the messy table. guided reading table.

each of the frames had the kids names cut out from letters.
their work (like the poems going up) would go in there.

more of the table (and crock pot used for hot chocolate)

library area with puzzle carpets for additional group meeting area.

front of room where kids desks, white board, and my desk were.

i had icicle lights up for christmas.

my corner with my desk.

view from the door.


  1. I love the way you set up your classroom. I love the arrangements that allow for small groups and cooperative learning. You did a wonderful job also with your large group meeting space. Keep up the great work.

  2. For having to throw it together your classroom looks great. I have seen teachers in my school who had years in their same room and it doesnt look as great as this. I look at the way my classroom has come together over the years and am super embaressed by how cute I thought mine was that first year too. Oh well. :)
