
23 October 2011

Huh... Hey... Remember Me?!?!

I am alive... I never would have thought I would have abandoned my precious little Blog. I haven't even updated my own classroom blog. I'm so ashamed! Well I officially survived my 1st Quarter in 3rd Grade. Conferences went amazing, and things are going great! I feel like I'm finally at a good place, and now I'm trying to create things to make my life, and hopefully other's lives easier. I also would like to start actually sharing things that I've implemented. It's so funny to me how you have this idea of what you're going to do, and then things don't work out! I've done so much tweeking on things in my room! Even my room looks COMPLETELY different than when I posted last! I'll try to take new pictures and post them soon! In the mean time I just spent the entire weekend creating my huge space unit! I'm so picky about worksheets and stuff, and I'm not liking anything I have right now, so I created away! I just listed it on Teacher's Notebook. I'm horrified to look at my e-mail. If you've e-mailed me, say in the last... 2 months, I probably haven't responded. I apologize now, I've had so much going on! Anyway, I hope I'm back... thanks to anyone who still is out there in Bloggy world that stuck with me!! Off to get those creative juices flowing...


  1. I remember you! :-) Welcome back!! First quarter is always crazy!
    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  2. I just checked your blog the other day to see if you were back. Glad things are going well for you!

  3. Great ideas! Glad to see you're back.

  4. So happy to have you back! Glad you got a hang of things! Looking forward to seeing your new pics. and reading your posts.

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
