
20 July 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

So I emailed my principal asking if she knew when we could get back in our rooms, mainly because I had to move all of my stuff home, and now it's all got to be moved back (thank goodness I have the world's most amazing parents and they are storing all of my stuff!). We're open for business August 1, so I can start moving back that day. In the mean time, I'm going to try and think of other things besides school, so today is a non-school related WILW!!

I know that you're supposed to change your skin care routine as you get older, but I can't stop using this. It wakes me up in the morning and I love the smell. It also feels amazing on my sunburnt face!!

  I love being tan! Because it's not 100 degrees all year round, and I don't get to lay out at the pool all year, I use this. It's amazing and the best part... it DOESN'T smell. I never liked self tanners because they smell so bad, but not this stuff. Plus you are all shimmery when you put it on. Glitter/Shimmer = LOVE

Speaking of shimmer... as many of you know because of my earlier posts I've been hibernating inside. I have however ventured 20 feet away to the pool the past 2 days in order to avoid the 107 degree heat index. This stuff smells good, has SPF, and... wait for it.... it SHIMMERS!!!

Do others have Jimmy Johns? Is it a Chicago thing? Today I discovered this unwich. I'm in love. We ALWAYS get JJ at school because they deliver! I hate it though because I feel stuffed... after eating this I felt perfectly full. This is my new favorite!!

I love my Nook Color. That is all :)

Okay so that was a random WILW. I like it though...  What is everyone else loving right now? How long do all of you have to set up your room before the kiddos come? I never feel like I have enough time.

Well, I have a few things I'm finishing up and making after some suggestions and requests. I'll post later!!


  1. We have a Jimmy Johns in Oregon and it is a HIT! I've never had the unwich though, sounds good! Now i'm hungry!! :)

    Mrs. Bee
    Bee's KinderGarden

  2. We also have Jimmy Johns down in Georgia! :)

  3. I also like the Morning Burst! And I've never had the unwich but it has caught my eye before! Yummo!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. Ok, so though you and I are probably about 20 years apart ( maybe 15)...we are on the same page with the shimmer glitter fascination!!! I LOVE the Morning Burst face wash. As a matter of fact my sister (younger) turned me into a fan. Now, as for the bronzer and sunscreen, I will be purchasing both of those when I get paid from tutoring on Friday...LOL!!! Thanks for sharing your random post. It works for me! :o)

    Oh, PS- I have already begun working in my room- bit by bit (even though we do not have to be there until Aug. 1). Then today the painters came and moved my 15 hours of progress into piles all over my room...ugh!! The bright side...the walls are shiny and CLEAN!!!

  5. How do you like your Nook color? I am thinking about getting an eReader. I tried out my dad's Kindle but I'm not loving all the buttons I have to push. I think because I'm used to the iPad and iPhone (sorry, I know you're anti-Apple :)) that I would like a touch screen better. What pros and cons have you found out about the Nook?

  6. I am VERY interested in this unwich because I have Celiac disease and can't eat gluten. But, this unwich looks like it's wrapped in lettuce leaves. Is that right? If so, I might be able to eat this!!! There is a JJ about 10 minutes from me! I have never eaten there before and I'm SUPER excited I might be able to!

  7. We have JJ in NE and I can tell you they make daily trips to my current school.

    On another note, I thought I was a follower of yours, but I see that I am not... well I am NOW! I thought I loved your blog before but now I am COMPLETELY in love with all the dots & zebra fun.

    Thanks for sharing all that you do.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  8. I'm glad my random post worked for someone! I always feel so random when posting. I just think of the the most ridiculous things and mix them together!! :)

    I LOVE, LOVE my Nook. I hate to admit this, but I go in phases with reading. I am certainly not a big reader... but I do LOVE magazines. I love that I can subscribe to magazines, go on the internet, and read. I love the touch screen. Really the only downfall is you cannot read outside at all. You can't see the screen. Although I've heard there's something you can put on the screen!!

    Amy - It is wrapped in lettuce. I actually found this page:

    I had a student who had the same type of needs last year and I was always trying to help her Mom out. It looks like there's a comment at the bottom that's very descriptive about what you really could eat.


  9. Christie, I never checked out JJ's menu because I never even considered I could eat there! Thanks for the link! I can't wait to try an unwich! Your random post helped me out! Thanks!

  10. What I am loving...your blog! You post such cute stuff. I am wishing that I would have done some zebra prints! :-) Thanks for sharing!
    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  11. Look for the key word and subtract if you see....

    Way to help students find strategies to eliminate all thinking. Translate your "word problems" into Spanish and teach them these key words in Spanish. They will be able to do them without any understanding needed at all.
