
10 July 2011

Student Info and Volunteer Sheets

 Just a few more things for the beginning of the year. A sheet I include in the packet I give each parent during our walk through (which happens the day before school starts). I also include this volunteer letter in the packet so I can get a feel for who wants to volunteer and who has no interest.

Student Info Sheet

Volunteer Letter


  1. Love your volunteer letter! I need to send one like that home this year. Also, I added your button to my blog roll so I will remember to keep checking back for your zebra stuff. I'll be posting some of mine soon!
    Counting with Coffee

  2. Thanks ladies!!

    Cyndy I'm looking forward to seeing what you're posting!! :)

  3. Love the volunteer letter!!!! Great idea!!!

  4. These are fabulous! I love the font you used at the top of these for the heading. Can you tell me what it is called and where you got it? Thanks for sharing!
