
07 July 2011

Polka Dot Themed DOT Binder

DOT Binder Cover


  1. Let me just say that you are super creative!! I think you have inspired me to change my theme from ocean to dots!!! Anyway I can get this DOT binder for first grade? You have done so much already so I understand if you can!!!

    Thanks, Amy

  2. Thanks :) I love polka dots! I've contemplated an ocean theme, but I chose the zebra theme instead. I'll definitely post a first grade one!! I wish I was staying in first, maybe one day I'll be back.

  3. I love the D.O.T. acronym. I've seen several binder acronym's over the years, but this is the simplest one, and it makes the most sense! P.S. I love the name of your blog. I'm one of the few who can't wear flip flops, but if my school had a motto -this would be it. Everyone loves flip flops!

    Effective Teaching Articles Blog
