
10 July 2011

Clip Chart

I use the clip chart system of classroom management. I used to use the stoplight/card system, but I LOVED the idea of being able to move the kiddos up the chart. It really made me focus on the positive behaviors versus the negative ones. My colors are not exactly the same as the official one, but I like these colors better and they make more sense to me.

Clip Chart
These are the very top and very bottoms pieces.

Clip Chart
These are the 2 pieces above and below the middle.

Clip Chart
This is the very middle piece.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Flipflopteacher,

    I just found your blog and love all of your products!! I too love polka dots and want to use them as a theme in my future classroom.

    I was wondering if you could make a polka dot behavior chart?

    Thank you

    Miss J

