I promise I haven't abandoned all of my bloggy friends!! I thought I would have internet this weekend, but we couldn't get the wireless to work for some reason. I guess it's better anyway... I sorta needed a technology break. Got to spend some time with the boy's family and had a most delicious dinner with them!! Small town life is refreshing once in a while. I'm back, but I have mucho catching up to do. No worries my loves I'll be back in action soon again. I just had to let you all know I'm not ignoring everyone!! Talk to everyone soon!!
31 July 2011
28 July 2011
Polka Dots & Signs
I went to the teacher's store today and got way too much. Mi mama is fab-u-lous!! I think she feels so bad for me because she sees how much I spend (probably because her whole front room has been filled with the majority of my stuff since early June!!). She always find the greatest stuff from stores or magazines!! Anyway she treated me to my teacher's store spree today so that was all kinds of amazing. After I do some more shopping tomorrow I'll post the haul so you can see all the goodies I hope I find!!
I'm going to the boy's hometown this weekend, small town for this city girl ;-) so I'm contemplating whether or not I'll be bringing this little ol' laptop of mine (but in all seriousness ya'll know I can't stay away from my bloggy ladies).
I've had quite a few custom questions/orders. I have a few things customized so I figured I'd post some things I've been doing. I'm too exhausted to find new pictures, so look closely cuz I'm using the old pictures, but with new links :)
@Teacher's Notebook
A few other things that I've created... my pictures are so icky.
I've been too lazy to find my camera, so I've been using my phone.
I already have my Christmas list... I want a GOOD camera, more than a regular ol' point and shoot!
{This one's so not finished... I ran out of the ribbon color I needed!}
{The pictures make it hard to see! Wah! I'm going to hand it somewhere!!}
That's all for now... I'm sure I'll come up with something while my brain is hard at work tonight.
A Whole Mess of Stuff While the Sirens Blare Away... Eeekkk!!
Okay, I'm about to pass out, so if there are misspelled words and mistakes all over this post, don't yell at me!! I felt it was my Bloggy duty to post for you though because I've neglected all my Bloggy people, and all of a sudden I'm 1 follower away from 300. I can.not.believe this. Like seriously people, I just play around on my computer and make stuff because I'm sooooo OCD about everything. I heart all of you to the max. I made a lot of stuff, fixed a few things, and posted a few things in my store. Things that took me a while got posted in my store, a few other things are here as freebies. I'm going to the Chalkboard (a teacher's store in Northern Illinois) tomorrow... it could get ugly. We'll just see what kind of haul I come back with. Anyway here are some things that are finished. Other's still need some finishing touches.
Find it at the Teacher's Notebook!
Find it at the Teacher's Notebook
Lots of free themed versions on Google Docs
Find it at the Teacher's Notebook
Zebra and Polka Dot themed versions on Google Docs
*Does like everyone do this for their parties?
'Cuz I'm sure it's all kinds of popular on Pinterest!
Zebra themed on Google Docs
On Google Docs
*I love this trick! So fabulous!!
On Google Docs
*Just cuz! Why not?!
On Google Docs, for those of you looking for other ones!
If you need something customized, please, please, please e-mail me with specifics. Some things are really quick and easy to customize (many I've already done for others), other things take much more time and I'll set up a special listing on Teacher's Notebook for an extra fee. Especially with all the craziness with school coming soon. On another note, thank you to the suggestions for mosquito bites... I can only imagine the boy's face as I go to bed with tape and unheard of concoctions all over my mosquito bites!! Alrighty my loves, as I go to bed and listen to the storm rolling through, I'll try to think of my 300 followers giveaway!! :)
Side Note: As I was just about to hit send, the TORNADO sirens went off. It's like midnight... I've never heard them go off at night, SCARY!! Matter of fact though I've had the sirens go off more in the past month than probably in my 26 years of life!! Eeek!!
27 July 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday...
So I've been a little indecisive lately... I've redone my preshy Bloggy a few times now. I think I'm happy with what I finally designed!! I've also been neglecting all other things in life aside from my computer and crafts. I feel like the end of summer creeps up out of no where!! I'm starting to stress out to the max. There are also a few things factoring into this stressful-ness:
- We were supposed to get into our rooms August 1 - Nope, now it's been moved to August 8!! That only leaves me 1 week because the 3 days of the following week consist of institutes.Ugh.
- So... I used to have probably the biggest room in the school (it's supposed to be the music room) well now I'm in one of the smallest rooms. I peeked in yesterday and checked it out. Umm... panic times a million more.
- Because of my former situation, everything was moved home. Not one thing I own is at school. Therefore, I have to move EVERYTHING back to school. Everyone else got to keep their posters and such up, I am starting fresh. {Disclaimer: Although I'm stressed, let me thoroughly confess my gratefulness and appreciation that I do have a job and any size room at all!!}
{Starbucks Chocolate Banana Vivanno Smoothie}
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Can I be sponsored by these please?
I can't explain enough to you the deliciousness that comes from this little cup.
Added benefit: You don't have to feel guilty drinking them!!
{Aveeno Positively Radiant Tinted Mosturizer}
I don't know the last time I really opened my drawer containing makeup.
This lotion, Mary Kay mascara, and Maybelline eye liner sits proudly on my counter.
This stuff is fabulous, especially for lazy, summer me!! :)
{Mossimo Pocket Tees}
Umm... Hello?! $8, Long, Soft
Did I mention $8? They're so comfy. I love them.
{Champion Reversible Shorts}
I normally live in Express Yoga pants/capris, but with this recent 100 degree plus weather...
I've converted to these bad boys. Umm... I love them!!
They're so comfy... not sure about the reversible part... but love them.
Is anyone else freaking out about wearing real clothes in a few short weeks?
Do I even own anything other than these shorts and yoga pants?!?
I should really check on that...
{Nalgene Water Bottle}
This bad boy (mine's lime green) gets me through everyday at school.
This summer it's gotten me through everyday at home and the gym.
Which might I add is pretty much all I ever do. Gym and home.
I also know that if I fill it up twice I'm good on my water intake!
I feel like every WILW has a theme... last week was being tan. This week it's more like being healthy or something. Not really sure. Speaking of health, does anyone out in bloggy land have any good cure/remedy for mosquito bites? The mister had a softball game Monday night to which I brought the puppy to... we sat in the grass. BAD IDEA. Ugh, I have at least 20 all over, from hands to 4 on my left foot. Someone help, please!! Well... I can smell the laundry from here, but no worries my loves, I'll be back later with lots of new stuff!!
25 July 2011
Facebook Blogging Mixer
Michelle at Kinder Fun is doing a Facebook Blogging Mixer to find out who has a Facebook for their preshy Bloggy!! I figured since I just created one, I should join... now you SHOULD too!!
❤ ❤ ❤
24 July 2011
Finished Birthday Buckets and More
So here is my finished birthday bucket with birthday balloons:
I may or may not have spent way too much on it, but that's okay. Look at it!! I also found zebra Yahtzee and a little zebra eraser that will find a home somewhere on my desk. I finished my Welcome! sign and my Ms. Hilliard sign. I tried to take a picture, but it wasn't cooperating. I'll try again tomorrow or maybe you'll just have to wait until I have it hung up in my room.
I am about halfway through book bin labels for primary classrooms, so those of you who are looking for more non-chapter themed labels I'll have those coming for you!! I threw together a few other things yesterday and today. I'm going into super panic mode because in a week I can get into my classroom.
{all finished, finally!!}
{i def. underestimated the size of the pixie sticks}
{the bucket up close - pink, lime green glitter paper, and glitter zebra paper}
{birthday balloon toppers!!}
{glued to the top of the pixie sticks}
So I originally didn't have fur on the top. So I was telling the BF last night that it needed fur. He was like how exactly do you buy fur? Do you have to go hunt an animal? So funny. I went and did a little retail therapy with my best friend today and I found this:
I am about halfway through book bin labels for primary classrooms, so those of you who are looking for more non-chapter themed labels I'll have those coming for you!! I threw together a few other things yesterday and today. I'm going into super panic mode because in a week I can get into my classroom.
make note it looks funny for some reason on google docs,
but it does not print like that
Question for everyone that is 3rd grade or higher... Who uses the Daily 5/CAFE? Coming from 1st it was easy enough to incorporate. Many people have said they don't use CAFE in the higher grades? Daily 5 is easy enough to use in the upper grades, I'm just not really sure what I'm going to do about CAFE. I'm stopping at school tomorrow to (hopefully) pick up my Good Habits, Great Readers manuals so I have some time to look over them. I'm also going to make some math bin labels within the next few days, along with some more games and maybe a few units.
Have a good night ya'll :)
23 July 2011
I'm neglecting Sir. Bloggy today... not by choice. I had to let everyone in bloggy land know I'm not forgetting about all of you and I'm busy creating away, just from the comfort of a blanket and ice. I did something to my neck this morning and it's been the most awful pain I've felt in awhile (and I have a high pain tolerance). I chose not to go to the doctor this morning (bad decision!), but luckily my best friend is a recently graduated PT.We're going out and about tomorrow, so hopefully before we go she can work her magic on me.
I'll post stuff soon, plus I'll post pictures of my newly completed Birthday Bucket (with the pixie sticks)!! I'm so excited they're finally done. I couldn't resist the HUGE pixie sticks when I ran to Sam's Club this morning for laminator pouches. Of course my $20 trip turned into a $70 trip between the added Pixie Sticks, and apparently my membership was up... TODAY!! Talk about bad luck!
A lot of have been asking common questions so I'll take a few minutes to give you some fancy smancy answers:
I'll post stuff soon, plus I'll post pictures of my newly completed Birthday Bucket (with the pixie sticks)!! I'm so excited they're finally done. I couldn't resist the HUGE pixie sticks when I ran to Sam's Club this morning for laminator pouches. Of course my $20 trip turned into a $70 trip between the added Pixie Sticks, and apparently my membership was up... TODAY!! Talk about bad luck!
A lot of have been asking common questions so I'll take a few minutes to give you some fancy smancy answers:
- I can't e-mail you files I've created, because it would take forever to send them all and I don't have many of them on this computer anymore. Sometimes Scribd can be a grumperton (yea, it's a word) and doesn't like to cooperate. I would suggest trying on another day or time.
- If you are looking for something specific, let me know exactly what you're looking for. I totally forget everything I post, so you'd have to say I'm looking for Primary Colored Polka Dot Genre Posters or something similar. Make sure you browse through old posts and the labels too, because they may exist somewhere around here!!
- With school right around the corner (Woooo I can get in Aug. 1st) I'll still be posting things I've made, but I may not be as likely to customize things for free as I have been. For some things it takes quite a lot of time to customize things. I'll definitely still post zebra things, because that's what I make for my room, and polka dot things, but other than that you may have to order them from me through Teacher's Notebook. This will give me a chance to take time on the weekend or after school on days I have time and fill specific orders (like maybe you have a candy theme and want candy themed genre posters). I think everyone can understand that 'cuz we all get cah-razy around school time, especially when starting a new grade!
Has anyone here in Bloggy Land gone to a sister's conference? There's one in November (?) in Chicago, and I've thought about going, I was going to talk to my Principal about it when I stop in this week. I heard there was a great differentiation conference last week in Chicago, I'm sad I didn't know about it. I would have loved to have gone!!
That's it for my random post. I need to say two things as my ending notes. I'm still totally overwhelmed and flattered by all of you and I appreciate every comment, download, and visit more than I can explain. I was freaking out (in a good way!!) earlier when I found a post on Proteacher earlier about my lil' ol' bloggy!! With that said I've come to the conclusion that I'm totally okay with being a mid-20-something spending my Saturday evening crafting, creating, and blogging with all you!! :)
Back to the ice pack,
22 July 2011
I could get used to this...
I haven't much moved from the couch today. I saw someone post something on ProTeacher about getting the motivation to get up from the computer. I have an excuse though... I have no way to leave today, because my car is at the car place getting his checkup. So there, take that. I have successfully made it through the morning, busy creating away from the help of this guy blasting from Napster:
{love him}
It actually all started because the kept advertising his special on CMT, which then forced me to venture to the closet to take out my boots which haven't been worn in far too long. So anyway I'm midway through his 3rd CD and I'm taking a break to get emotional while I watch my Cubbies lose [yet] again. Wah.
So here's what I've created, most of them based off request, some based off need to be redone to match my room. I'm still looking for new ideas to create stuff, but I think I'll take a break, and I dunno... take a shower? do some laundry? put away dishes? Probably not :)
{Round Word Wall Alphabet Cards - Zebra}
{Round Word Wall Zebra Cards - Polka Dot}
{Cowboy Themed Math Games}
{Previously Posted Zebra Themed Math Games}
{Calendar Days of the Week}
{Previously Posted Calendar Days}
{Previously Posted Calendar Months}
{Give Me Five Posters}
Zebra, Dots, Cowboy Themed All Included
{Good Readers Posters}
Zebra, Dots, Cowboy Themed All Included
{Writing Process Posters - Zebra}
{Writing Process Posters - Polka Dot}
{Writing Process Posters - Primary Colors Polka Dot}
Alright, time to eat my words already. My Cubbies took the lead... let's just hope it can last through 3 more innings. I think I'm getting the itch to take the Cricut out... let's see what comes from this :)
{Round Word Wall Alphabet Cards - Zebra}
{Round Word Wall Zebra Cards - Polka Dot}
{Cowboy Themed Math Games}
{Previously Posted Zebra Themed Math Games}
{Calendar Days of the Week}
{Previously Posted Calendar Days}
{Previously Posted Calendar Months}
{Give Me Five Posters}
Zebra, Dots, Cowboy Themed All Included
{Good Readers Posters}
Zebra, Dots, Cowboy Themed All Included
{Writing Process Posters - Zebra}
{Writing Process Posters - Polka Dot}
{Writing Process Posters - Primary Colors Polka Dot}
Alright, time to eat my words already. My Cubbies took the lead... let's just hope it can last through 3 more innings. I think I'm getting the itch to take the Cricut out... let's see what comes from this :)
Where to Begin
I've been so MIA the past few days. I've been soaking up the 100 degree Chicago sun!! I've also been busy creating a template for another Bloggy buddy!! I'll introduce her to you all once we finish getting her page setup!! Don't worry though ladies, I'll be back in action all day tomorrow. My brother is gone so it's me and the puppy all day tomorrow with nothing to do. I'm forcing myself to stay away from all stores until next week when I can go in and check out my room. Otherwise I'll have my whole paycheck spent only hours after it's deposited!!
On my list of things for tomorrow:
- Polka Dot Word Wall Letter Cards
- Round Zebra Word Wall Letter Cards
- Zebra Days of the Week Cards
- Signs of a Good Reader Poster
- Give Me 5 Poster
- Western Themed Math Games
- Primary Themed Library Labels
- Library Labels w/o Numbers
Okay, come on... bring it :) What else am I forgetting?!? What else is everyone looking for!?! I have some other ideas brewing in my head as well. While I'm thinking of it... Does anyone have these:
They're the seat sacks from Really Good Stuff. I have these {bor-ing} seat sacks currently:
When I started teaching the 1st grade team had ordered them and knew there would be 6 sections, so I ended up with a class set when I started teaching. There are 2 major problems though... They're boring/don't match and I'm 99% sure they aren't going to fit my 3rd grader seats. Now most of the time my OCD behavior would take over and I'd make zebra ones or something, but I have no patience or ability to sew so that is O-U-T. So for everyone's sanity I'm actually hoping someone I know will make them, but in case that isn't a possibility I'm thinking of those bright ones from RGS. I'm kinda digging that little pouchey thing too. Actually, I'm really digging that thing.
As I'm typing this I took a break to finish adding the template to:
A Teacher's Treasure
I added 2 things to my "To Do" list in the mean time as well. So that's about it for tonight. I'll be busy, busy! I think part of my has avoided posting because I'm so overwhelmed {in an amazing way} with how many visitors I've had already. I mean it's just me. I don't get the big deal sillies ;-)
★ Night My Bloggy Friends ★
As I'm typing this I took a break to finish adding the template to:
A Teacher's Treasure
I added 2 things to my "To Do" list in the mean time as well. So that's about it for tonight. I'll be busy, busy! I think part of my has avoided posting because I'm so overwhelmed {in an amazing way} with how many visitors I've had already. I mean it's just me. I don't get the big deal sillies ;-)
★ Night My Bloggy Friends ★
20 July 2011
What I'm Loving Wednesday
So I emailed my principal asking if she knew when we could get back in our rooms, mainly because I had to move all of my stuff home, and now it's all got to be moved back (thank goodness I have the world's most amazing parents and they are storing all of my stuff!). We're open for business August 1, so I can start moving back that day. In the mean time, I'm going to try and think of other things besides school, so today is a non-school related WILW!!
I know that you're supposed to change your skin care routine as you get older, but I can't stop using this. It wakes me up in the morning and I love the smell. It also feels amazing on my sunburnt face!!
I love being tan! Because it's not 100 degrees all year round, and I don't get to lay out at the pool all year, I use this. It's amazing and the best part... it DOESN'T smell. I never liked self tanners because they smell so bad, but not this stuff. Plus you are all shimmery when you put it on. Glitter/Shimmer = LOVE
Speaking of shimmer... as many of you know because of my earlier posts I've been hibernating inside. I have however ventured 20 feet away to the pool the past 2 days in order to avoid the 107 degree heat index. This stuff smells good, has SPF, and... wait for it.... it SHIMMERS!!!
Do others have Jimmy Johns? Is it a Chicago thing? Today I discovered this unwich. I'm in love. We ALWAYS get JJ at school because they deliver! I hate it though because I feel stuffed... after eating this I felt perfectly full. This is my new favorite!!
I love my Nook Color. That is all :)
Okay so that was a random WILW. I like it though... What is everyone else loving right now? How long do all of you have to set up your room before the kiddos come? I never feel like I have enough time.
Well, I have a few things I'm finishing up and making after some suggestions and requests. I'll post later!!